Incentivise Kids to Read for Your Reading Program With These Great Trophy Ideas

Convincing kids to read during the school holidays can be challenging, and reading programmes can be an essential part of the process. With the right incentives, you can easily make your reading programme a success. Trophies are great prizes to give out to the top readers, and you can easily buy a range of trophies online from retailers like Full Colour Badges & Trophies

Here's what to keep in mind when choosing trophies as prizes for a reading program:

1. Topped with literary themes

Many trophies feature a metal sports player on top of a pedestal with a small plaque adhered to it. However, your reading trophy doesn't have to be that way. Instead of an athlete, your trophy can feature an open book or something else related like literature.

For example, as Greek gods are now featured in so many popular series for kids, a trophy with Athena (the goddess of wisdom) on its top can be a great choice.

2. Related to the story

Your reading trophy certainly doesn't have to be generic. If you are organising a reading programme where all the kids read the same books, for example, consider investing in trophies that resonate with the stories you have been reading.

For example, if you are reading a story about a goblet of fire or a story with a mythical grail in it, have your trophy look like a golden goblet.

3. Inscribed with literary quotes

When you are deciding what to inscribe on the trophies you are buying, get playful. Obviously, you want to include the recipient's name, grade and the number of hours or pages read. However, you may also want to add some literary quotes.

Add quotes about the value of reading itself, or add quotes from some of the writers the kids in your reading programme have been reading.

4. Given to multiple participants

When deciding upon what type of trophies you want for your school holidays' reading programme, you also need to decide how many kids are going to win the trophies. If you want as many kids as possible to be eligible for prizes, keep in mind that trophies are not the only option.

If buying trophies for everyone is cost prohibitive or if you just want to reserve the big trophies for the top winners in the program, look for medals. You can buy cool reading medals or ribbons at most shops or websites that sell trophies.

